Your Smile Deserves a Crown in Stamford, CT

The smile is the face’s jewel that enhances the look of a person. Smiling allows one to appear positive, attractive, and shining. But aside from its physical benefits, it also has a lot of psychological effects to a person. It boosts their confidence, self-esteem, and mood, that is why taking care of one’s smile is vital.

Your smile deserves a crown. Do not let the teeth irregularities ruin the most beautiful curve in your body. Dental crowns are made from either metal or porcelain materials molded as coverings for the missing, damaged, or decayed tooth. Others call them “jacket” or “cap” because they act as clothing worn over the tooth. We at Stamford Dental Spa offer Crown and Bridge Restoration to repair our patients’ smile.


Crown and Bridge Restoration


Benefits of Dental Crowns

You probably might hear the dentist recommend a crown. Although it is not a new procedure in the field of dentistry and its popularity is widespread, it is better to have a profound understanding about how it can be beneficial to you and why you need to consider the treatment.

  • Crowns do not just upgrade the look of the teeth, but they also strengthen the damaged or affected structure.
  • The prosthesis can conceal misshapen and discolored tooth.
  • For those who have large fillings, crowns can be used as support to prevent the tooth from further weakening.
  • Crowns are versatile as they can be paired with other procedures like bridges and implants.

A crown can also serve as a tooth protector. With proper care and maintenance, its lifespan can endure for 10 to 20 years! The key? Brush twice daily, floss once every day, and attend to your regular dental visits.

Getting a crown involves different processes like any other dental procedures but it’s not necessarily complicated. As long as the prosthesis fits the tooth that needs covering, you are good to go!


Aiming to restore your teeth as natural as it was before? Schedule your appointment with Stamford Dental Spa and know more about Crown and Bridge Restoration in Stamford, CT. Visit us at 124 Broad St, Stamford, CT 06901.