Complete Checkups and Dental Cleanings at Stamford Dental Spa

Great dental care begins at home. A good oral care regimen consisting of daily brushing and flossing is the first step towards maintaining a healthy mouth and body. But there are certain hidden areas of the mouth where bacteria, plaque and food can deposit. These areas are hard to reach for a brush or floss. A professional dental cleaning performed at our office can help you get rid of these. Also, a routine dental checkup will allow us to keep track of your dental health and administer any preventive treatments you need in a timely manner.

A routine checkup and dental cleaning is recommended at least twice a year. This gives our patients a chance to talk to Dr. Mamta Patel and ask any questions they may have about their oral health.


What happens at a Routine Dental Checkup?

Dental Cleaning (Prophylaxis)

A dental cleaning is performed by our hygienists to remove calculus and tartar from between your teeth and other hidden areas of the mouth. Then the teeth are rinsed and polished to restore their shine. A thorough dental cleaning called scaling and root planing may be conducted for patients who are suffering from gum disease.



In case we find the occurrence of decay during your dental cleaning process, we may spend time helping you understand how you can take better care of your teeth and mouth by recommending a more frequent flossing and brushing regimen, antibiotic mouthwashes etc. We also welcome questions from our patients about their oral health, the linking of dental health with your overall health etc.


We will thoroughly examine your gums, supporting tissues, teeth, throat, neck and mouth to check for any signs of discomfort, pain, abscesses, TMJ, oral cancer, tumors etc. We may take X-Rays to check for problems that are not visible to the naked eye. If you’ve noticed any recent changes or problems in your jaw, gums, teeth or surrounding tissues, this is the best time to let us know about it.


For more information, please call the office of Stamford Dental Spa at (203) 628-2077.